Growing Dahlias

Reviewed Resources for Gardeners


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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide.  Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by  Sites are included for information value only.



American Dahlia Society __ Learn about the society, the flower, and find a directory of local dahlia societies. - illustrated - From American Dahlia Society - 

Colorado Dahlia Society __ "The Colorado Dahlia Society. Articles on choosing and growing dahlias, photo galleries and membership information." - illustrated - From -

Dahlia __ While not a site about 'growing' dahlias, there is enough related information to make a visit worthwhile, such as types and bloom forms. An encyclopedic article. - illustrated - From wikipedia -


Dahlia __ "If you can live with just a bit more work in the garden than is required for more run-of-the-mill plants, try planting a Dahlia or two this spring. You won't be disappointed, and your will definitely draw rave reviews from visitors!"  A good look at growing dahlias. - illustrated - From -


Dahlia Plants, How to Plant, Grow and Care for Dahlias __ How to plant, grow, propagate and care for Dahlia plants, with light and watering requirements, growing tips, winter storage and photos. - illustrated - From - 

Dahlia Societies __ A list of dahlia societies from around the world. - From -


Dahlias FAQ __ "It is important to understand dahlias grow from tubers and are not bulbs. Dahlias must be planted in warm, well-drained soils at springtime. Dahlias are generally planted about the same time you would plant your vegetable garden." Basic information and answers to questions. - From - 

Dahlias for the Home Landscape __ "Dahlias, Dahlia variabilis, are a popular addition to the landscape because they have a wide height range (1 to 6 ft) and a variety of flower shapes and sizes (2 to 12 inches). Color range includes orange, pink, purple, red, scarlet, yellow, and white. Some flowers are striped or tipped with a different color. Dahlias begin blooming in early summer and continue to frost. Flower production may slow with high summer temperatures and moisture stress." Now that you know that you would like to have them, find out how. - From North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service -


Digging and Storing Dahlia Tubers __ "At one time, dahlia tubers were quite expensive. Today, however, the price for tubers at local Society tuber sales is such that many people choose to buy new tubers each year rather than digging and storing their tubers. At the same time, others write or call requesting information about digging and storing tubers. This page is prepared for the first time dahlia grower who intends to dig and store the tubers produced." - From - 

Growing Dahlias __ A basic look at the growing of dahlias. - From - 
Growing Dahlias __ A basic look at the growing of dahlias. - From Ohio State University -


Growing Dahlias __ A step by step guide to growing dahlias. - From -  


How to Grow Dahlias __ "When the weather warms up and settles, gardeners everywhere say “Let’s plant dahlias," knowing there is no more colorful flower for the grounds, none better for cutting and exhibiting." Learn how to do it. - from -


How to grow Dahlias __ "Growing dahlias is a great hobby. American's have taken this handsome flower with its multitude of types and colors as their own."  Step-by-step growing instructions. - From - 


How To Grow Dahlias __ Dahlia growing information for those of you in the UK. - illustrated - From -


How to grow dahlias, guide to dahlia selection and planting __ ""Guide to growing dahlias. Dahlia growing information. How, when and where to plant dahlias.Garden dahlia growing and variety selection of dahlias." - illustrated - From -  

Mid Island Dahlia Society, Links to All Things Dahlia __ Just what the title says it is. You will find links to many dahlia growing resources. - From -
National Dahlia Society, NDS __ Learn about this United Kingdom dahlia organization. You will find a lot of information related to the growing of these wonderful flowers. - illustrated - From National Dahlia Society -

Planting, Growing and Caring for Dahlias __ You will find a guide to the care and cultivation of Dahlia plants, with tips on planting, digging and winter storing. - illustrated - From - 

Selecting Dahlias to Grow __ ""The Fabulous Fifty" is a good starting point. It provides a quick over view of the best of the various kinds and sizes of dahlias raised by most dahlia societies." You will learn about selecting dahlias for garden display or show. - From -


_____ Dahlia Photo, Art and Image Links_____ 

Dahlia photos by color __ Website of a commercial grower with wonderful galleries of dahlia cultivars divided by color. - dahlia pictures - illustrated - From -

Flowers - Dahlias __ No annotations but a few pages of lovely click-to-enlarge photos of dahlias. Pictures of Dahlias - illustrated - From -

Golden Gate Park - Dahlia Photos __ Click-to-view galleries of several seasons worth of dahlia photos from Golden Gate Park. Pictures of dahlias - illustrated - From Laura Maish and Bill Storage -



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