Publications/Online Journals/Online Books


***While all of the publications listed here provide a great deal of freely distributed online information, some may need registrations or subscription to access additional material.  All publications on this page deal with archaeology and anthropology.  Ancient Civilizations publications will soon have a page of their own.
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Afrikanistik Online __ "is a multilingual peer-review e-journal that represents African Studies in the sense of Diedrich Westermann: The people are always in the focus of research. Place of publication is the Department of African Studies, University of Cologne, Germany"  Articles, exhibitions, reports and more. - From -

Altérités __ "Published twice a year, Altérités aims to generate debates related to the interests and current issues facing anthropological research. Altérités accepts original articles, research notes, and book reviews in French and English from graduate students and graduates working in the various fields of anthropology."  Full ext files of articles are PDF format. - From -

American Journal of Archaeology __ This website features pdf files of articles and book reviews in the current issue and searchable archives. Abstracts are available for articles from 1995 to present. subscription information is available. - From Archaeological Institute of America -

Anthropoetics: The Electronic Journal of Generative... __ "Articles in this journal explore deconstruction, Utopia, and Bill Clinton in a generative anthropological framework." - From University of California, Los Angeles -

Anthropological Notebooks __ "...the official journal of Slovenian Anthropological Society. It has been published under current title since 1995, while before it had been published under the Slovenian name Antropološki zvezki. The journal is published in English,..." - From -

The Anthropologist __ " a peer reviewed journal that publishes original articles, both theoretical and applied, book reviews and debates on current issues in the interdisciplinary field of Human Science and provides a forum to social and life scientists for exchanging their scientific knowledge, besides putting it on record for those interested." - From -

Anthropology of East Europe Review __ Online journal of anthropologists working with East European subject matter. - From DePaul University -


Antiquity __ "an international journal of expert archaeology" You will find online articles, introductions and abstracts as well as subscription information. "ANTIQUITY is a quarterly journal of archaeological research. It has been the main journal of international archaeological debate and reporting for 75 years, and aims to present interesting topical and accessible material to a wide audience." - From Antiquity - 

Archaeology Magazine __ This is a classic. An official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America and one of the world's favorite archaeological publications. A lot of online information. - illustrated - From Archaeological Institute of America -

Assemblage __ This is the Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology. You will find interesting stories and articles which you may search by keyword or simply browse back issues. - From University of Sheffield -

Athena Review __ You will find a journal of archaeology, history, and exploration, that also features an image archive, exhibition reports and book reviews. - illustrated - From - 

British Archaeology __ You will find full texts of recent issues of the magazine of the Council for British Archaeology - illustrated - From council for British Archaeology -

Current Archaeology - Britain's Favourite Archaeology Magazine __ Just what the page title page says. You will find an online collection of articles and abstracts. Lots of general information. - illustrated - From Current Archaeology -

EOL Home Site __ "EOL stands for Ethnomusicology OnLine. In this web journal you will find a variety of reports on music and culture." - photos and other illustrations - From UMBC - 

Ethnohistory __ This is a new online cultural anthropology journal from the University of Wisconsin. -

Evolution's Arrow __ The book "Evolution's Arrow" has yet to be printed outside of Australia, however, the full text is published here. "Where does 'man' go from here?" -

Focaal, Journal for Anthropology Homepage __ Abstracts from the current issue and the introduction articles of recent issues - 

International Journal of Bio-Anthropological Practice  __ "The International Journal of Bio-Anthropological Practice is a space for discussion regarding the behind the scenes of research in Biological Anthropology."  Full text files are PDF format. - From International Journal of Bio-Anthropological Practice -

Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology __ "The Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology is an online, open access, peer-reviewed publication edited by the Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest." - From Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology -


The Journal of World Anthropology __ Online journal covering just about every aspect of anthropology. - 

KMT __ You will find selected articles from current and past issues of this journal of Egyptology. There is subscription information if you would like more. - From KMT -

Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry __ Journal of the University of the Aegean's Department of Mediterranean Studies. Articles have explanatory introductions for non-specialists and are in PDF format. Subscription information is available. - From University of the Aegean -

Michigan Discussions in Anthropology __ "...a topical journal published under the auspices of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. It exists as a service to the department, offering opportunities for students and faculty both to become editor of a compiled volume in their specialty and to publish their own work, thus furthering their professional advancement. All papers are subjected to external anonymous peer review before publication." - From -  

Near Eastern Archaeology __ Discover abstracts of articles from recent issues along with an index of articles published between 1983 and 1987. - illustrated - From ASOR Publications -

Oral Tradition Journal __ "OT was founded in 1986 to serve as an international and interdisciplinary forum for discussion of worldwide oral traditions and related forms. Since that time, and through the end of 2006, it has been published by Slavica Publishers, with an additional online edition through Project Muse from 2003 onward." - From -

Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Homepage __ "Papers From the Institute of Archaeology (PIA) is the annual postgraduate journal of the Institute of Archaeology, UCL, the largest archaeology department in Britain. PIA was launched in 1989 by research students in order to reflect the breadth of postgraduate research at all levels at the Institute of Archaeology." You will find online abstracts and articles along with subscription information. - From Institute of Archaeology -

Radiocarbon __ "An International Journal of Cosmogenic Isotope Research" You will find a mix of online articles, abstracts, and subscription information. - From University of Arizona -


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