Indigenous South America



You may want to try these pages for additional information:  - Indigenous Studies  Indigenous Studies General Resources

South American indigenous people by tribes, associations - Aymara - Ashaninka - Assurini - Bakairi - Bora - Bororo - Cofan - Desana - Guahibo - Huitoto - Juruna - Kamayura - Karaja - Kaxinawa - Kayapo - Maku - Mapuche - Marubo - Matis - Mehinaku - Parakana - Piaroa - Tenharim- Ticuna - Tucano ( Tukano ) - Uros - Wai Wai - Waimiri-Atroari - Warao - Wayana-Aparai - Xerente ( Sherente ) - Yagua - Yanomami - Yekuana

To anthropology general Anthropology General Index

Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers



Amazon Conservation Team--Home Page __ "The Amazon Conservation Team works in partnership with indigenous people in conserving biodiversity, health and culture in tropical America." Learn about their programs and there is a page for kids. - illustrated - From - 

Amazon Watch __ "Amazon Watch works to defend the environment and rights of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin." You will find "actions needed," news, programs, and much more. - illustrated - From Amazon Watch - 

Category:Indigenous peoples of South America __ Index of articles found in Wikipedia related to South American indigenous peoples. - From Wikipedia -

Cultures of the Andes: Quechua Songs & Poems, Stories, Photos... __ Movie clips too. - illustrated - From - 

The Electric Art Gallery: The Amazon Project to Protect the Rainforest Environment __ "The Usko-Ayar (Quecha term for "Spiritual Prince") is more than an art school. It is an institution devoted to the rescue and preservation of the knowledge and the traditions of the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon. Their art is a documentation of the flora, fauna, and culture of the Amazon, and it promotes and preserves the traditional knowledge of medicinal and other plants of this region." - illustrated - From -


The epidemiology of infectious diseases among South American Indians __ "As we speak, many Yanomamo and other South American Indians are ill and dying from preventable diseases. At the same time, many other indigenous groups await contact with outsiders, and when it finally occurs, a huge fraction of them will die, again, from preventable causes. Why is this epidemiological profile so bleak at a time when the causative organisms of this suffering are well known, and when effective drugs and vaccines are available to prevent it?" - From Professor A. Magdalena Hurtado - 

The Huaorani of Ecuador __ "The Huaorani in the Ecuadorian headwaters of the Amazon comprise about 1,500 people who are living in up to 24 temporary settlements in an area of almost 20,000 sq. km, completely covered by rain forest." An excellent look at the tribe. - illustrated - From Crystalinks -

Indigenous peoples of the Andean countries: cultural and political aspects __ "The study is divided into two principal parts. In the first part a general sketch of ecological, social and cultural conditions and the historical development till the present is outlined. The second part describes the development of the indigenous movement and its organisations."  A full text online book. A PDF file. - From -

Indigenous People, Law, and Politics in Peru __ You will find a paper dealing with the following proposal: "Indigenous people and the law is a relatively new and fascinating topic in Andean studies. In the last fifteen years, an increasing number of investigators have begun to investigate the use of national law by indigenous people, and, more recently, interest in indigenous and peasant law has also increased. The results of this research by historians, anthropologists, and legal scholars have now provided sufficient information to permit the elaboration of a preliminary theoretical framework for understanding the use of legal mechanisms by indigenous people in the Andes." - From Latin American Studies Association - 

Indigenous people in South America: A political awakening __ "Poverty and a new ethnic politics have spawned radical Indian movements in the Andean countries. Are these a threat or a boost to democracy?"  An editorial. - From - 

Indigenous Peoples of The World - The Huaorani __ "The Huaorani first came into contact with non-Huaorani (or cowode as they refer to outsiders) in the late 1940s. The oil company, Shell, had begun the first exploratory drilling on traditional Huaorani lands. They very quickly abandoned the effort due to the overwhelming fierceness they experienced from their "hosts." Learn about what has happened since. - illustrated - From - 

The Last Tribal Battle __ "In the remote reaches of the Brazilian rain forest, isolated Indians carry on as they have for thousands of years. Should they be fenced off from the modern world?" A thought provoking and detailed article. - illustrated - From USF St. Petersburg -

List of Indigenous peoples of South America __ "The following is a list of indigenous peoples of South America. These include the peoples living in South American in the precolumbian era and the historical and contemporary descendents of those peoples."  Most have live links to additional information. - From Wikipedia -  

The Mapuche Nation __ "The Mapuche nation is situated in what is known as the Southern Cone of South America, in the area now occupied by the Argentine and Chilean states." You will learn their history, culture, plans and more. - From Mapuche Nation -

Mining Industry in South America Threatens Indigenous Communities __ "The expansion of mining operations in the Andean Region of South America are threatening the very existence of several indigenous communities in Peru, Columbia and Bolivia."  Learn about who and what. - illustrated - From -  

Native American Indian Cultures from Mexico and South America __ While Mexico will be covered later under another section, you will find tribe by tribe information about South American Indians. - illustrated - from Hands Around the World -

Native South American Nations - The Indigenous Peoples in South America __ A brief general overview and links to additional resources. - illustrated - From Patty Inglish, MS -  

The natives of Paraguay __ "The natives of Paraguay belong, racially to three human types:" This page covers a lot of material for a fairly brief overview of Native Americans in Paraguay. - illustrated - From The Etnographic Museum "Andrés Barbero" -

South America - Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources __ You will find dozens of click-to-read articles about South American indigenous issues. - From -

South American Indian Tribes and Languages __ Extensive index of South American tribes and links to additional information about each. - From  -

Survey of Indigenous Groups of the Greater Amazonian Region __ "*In the countries bordering the Andean mountain chain, it is difficult to differentiate between specifically Amazonian populations and those who have only recently emigrated from the highlands. We have excluded the latter from this report because, along with other individuals, nationals, they belong to a pioneer frontier gradually encroaching on the area we are looking at here. But on the other hand, we have decided to include various Quichua speaking populations (a predominant indigenous language in the Andes), originally native American populations, who have been part of the acculturation process for the last hundred years." - From from THE SITUATION OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN TROPICAL FORESTS, Serge Bahuchet ed. - 

Waroa Indians __ A good overview of the Waroa Indians. Links to information about many other tribes too. - illustrated - From - 

Warriors of the Amazon/The Last Shaman __ Learn about the region of "E1 Oriente" and the people and cultures found there. - illustrated - From NOVA -

Yanomamo Indians __ A good overview of the Yanamamo Indians. - illustrated - From - 



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