Bujumbura, Burundi - City Profile Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Some Other Great Cities of the World
__ "Bujumbura is the capital city of Burundi. The
city lies at the northeastern corner of Lake Tanganyika and, with an
estimated population of 300,000 in 1994, is Burundi's largest city and its
administrative, communications, and economic center." You will find an
encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From
wikipedia -
Bujumbura __ Visiting Bujumbura? Find deals & read hotel reviews. -
illustrated - From tripadvisor.com -
Bujumbura Airport - Airport Fact Sheet __ Basic airport information and flight information. - from farecompare.com - http://www.farecompare.com/flights/Bujumbura_Airport-BJM/airport.html
Bujumbura, Burundi
__ You will find a brief look at the
city and its history. "Bujumbura is the largest urban center of the country.
The city has industries like textiles, leather, paper, chemicals and
agricultural products." - From thinkquest.org -
Bujumbura - Facts from the Encyclopedia - Yahoo! Education __ A brief
encyclopedic entry. - From education.yahoo.com -
Bujumbura Photos __ A small gallery of photo images. - illustrated - From virtualtourist.com - http://members.virtualtourist.com/vt/s/?m=6&l.q=1da12c
population of Bujumbura 2010 __ Bujumbura population figure -
From trueknowledge.com -
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