Earthquakes Seismology

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A Brief History of Seismology to 1910: Page 1 of 3 __ "Would you believe that giant snakes, turtles, catfish, or spiders live underneath the ground, and it is their movements that create earthquakes? Maybe you wouldn't, but your ancestors did. Ancient peoples had many fanciful explanations for earthquakes, usually involving something large and restless living beneath the earth's surface." Just as the title states, you will find an early history of seismology. - From University of California, Santa Barbara - 

Earthquakes in the Central United States—1699–2002 __ You will find several downloadable reports and other material based on the New Madrid earthquake zone in the American Midwest. - From USGS - 



FEMA For Kids: Disaster Connection - Kids to Kids __ A good introduction to earthquakes for the younger set. After reading the introduction, students can then study specific quakes and study "earthquake math." - illustrated - From FEMA - 

How Earthquakes Work __ "An earthquake is one of the most terrifying phenomena that nature can dish up. We generally think of the ground we stand on as "rock-solid" and completely stable. An earthquake can shatter that perception instantly, and often with extreme violence." You will find a good overview of quakes and their causes. - illustrated - From - 
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology __ You will find a site jam-packed with information about earthquakes and more. ""IRIS is a university research consortium dedicated to exploring the Earth's interior through the collection and distribution of seimographic data." - illustrated - From IRIS -



The Nevada Seismological Laboratory __ You will find general quake information, questions and answers, lectures about quakes and "one pagers" which are brief articles about various aspects of seismology. - illustrated - From University of Nevada, Reno - 

Plate Tectonics, the Cause of Earthquakes __ "In cross section, the Earth releases its internal heat by convecting, or boiling much like a pot of pudding on the stove. Hot asthenospheric mantle rises to the surface and spreads laterally, transporting oceans and continents as on a slow conveyor belt." Learn how this process is the cause of earthquakes. - illustrated - From The Nevada Seismological Laboratory - 


SCEC Education Module __ A lesson plan. "This SCEC educational module has been designed to provide students with the opportunity to interactively investigate the nature of earthquakes. The module has been divided into three major sections, "What is an Earthquake?", "The Distribution of Earthquakes", and "Measuring Earthquakes". Each section presents background material and interactive learning activities allowing students to understand such characteristics of earthquakes as their associated faults, rates of occurrence, magnitudes, and geographic distribution." - illustrated - From SCEC - 
Savage Earth: Restless Planet __ Sections on learning from earthquakes, predicting quakes, and engineering quake-resistant buildings. Uses Flash animation and Quicktime video. - illustrated - From PBS - 



Seismology __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From Wikipedia - 

Southern California Earthquake Data Center Home __ You will find an easily-accessible, well-organized, high-quality, searchable archive of earthquake data for research in seismology and earthquake engineering. - From Southern California Earthquake Data Center - 

Tectonic Plate Motion __ Learn about estimating tectonic motion points around the world using satellite laser ranging (SLR). - illustrated - From NASA - 

Tsunamis and Earthquakes at the USGS __ General information from the United States Geological Survey on how local tsunamis are generated by earthquakes with animations, virtual reality models and more. - illustrated - From USGS - 
Understanding Earthquakes __ Take an earthquake quiz, view a rotating globe of quake regions, learn how quakes happen and much more. - illustrated - From University of California, Santa Barbara - 



USGS Earthquake Hazards Program __ You will find information on worldwide earthquake activity, earthquake science, and earthquake hazard reduction. - illustrated - From USGS - 

USGS: Earthquakes for Kids __ Read about the latest quakes, find a good introduction to seismology, design science projects about seismology and much more. - illustrated - From USGS - 

What Is Seismology and What Are Seismic Waves? __ Learn what seismology is then learn about the types of ground waves produced by an earthquake. - illustrated - From Michigan Tech - 


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