Model Railroads |
General information for the model railroader or special research projects.
Hobbies and Collecting
Baseball Card Collecting - Bug Insect Collecting - Building Model Aircraft - Building Model Railroads - Coin Collecting - Keeping Tropical Fish - Keeping Saltwater Aquariums - Making Jewelry - Making Pottery and Ceramics - Painting with Oil and Acrylic - Sports Memorabilia Collecting - Stamp Collecting
All-Gauge Model Railroading Page __ They have already said it best: "Toy Train Model Railroading at its best for young and old: classic O and O27 Gauge, HO and N scale, G Scale & Garden Railroading, diesel and electric locomotives, rolling stock, work trains, stations, layouts, and more ,insider hobby information, help for beginners, from tinplate to scale!" - illustrated - From Unknown -
Golden State Model Railroad Museum __ "The Golden State Model Railroad Museum
houses 10000 sq. feet of O scale, HO scale and N scale model railroads...."
Learn about the museum and some of the history of model railroading. Museum
location and opening times are included. - illustrated - From -
Internet Train Club - Model Trains - Model Railroading - Toy Trains __ "Free
Internet Club for collectors and operators of model trains. Free classifieds,
news, layout photos,train show calendar, discussions, monthly prizes, scenery
tips" - From -
Live Steam Railroading Discover Live Steam Trains __ Here is an online magazine
about rideable model trains and railroading. You will find a directory of scale
model live steam railroads, along with articles about steam and diesel model
trains. - illustrated - from -
Micro Layouts for Model Railroads __ Lack of space? Perhaps not. Here you can
learn how to design a layout even if you only have a shelf. - illustrated - From -
Model railroad resources like hobby shops, dealers, repairs, modeling tips,
tricks, shows and events __ Well, they seem to have covered it all in the site
title. A wealth of information. - illustrated - From -
Model Railroading News __ "Model Railroading News continually updated from
thousands of sources around the net." - From -
The Model Train Magazine Index __ "An index to Model Railroad magazines from
1933 to the present." - From Kalmbach Publishing Co -
O Gauge Model Railroading __ A general look at O gauge model railroading
including layouts, history and much more. - illustrated - from Unknown -
The Railfan Network
__ You will find a network of railroad-oriented sites. A lot
of resources in one place. - From -
Rail transport modelling __ An encyclopedic article about railroad modeling
covering a wide range of topics and links to related materials. - illustrated -
From Wikipedia -
Scale and Gauge __ Learn about the different sizes of model trains and the
difference between scale and gauge. - From T. Sheil & A. Sheil -
Trains for Children - getting the right train for your child __ Here is a
general guide for parents buying trains as gifts. - From T. Sheil & A. Sheil -
Welcome to Lionel __ A commercial site with a great deal of general information
for the model train hobbyist. - illustrated - from -
World's Greatest Hobby __ Whether you are just a beginner or an advanced
hobbyist, you will find something of interest. Questions and answers, find a
club, press releases, speakers and much more. - illustrated - From -
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