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Archaeology Dig 2007: Nicodemus Kansas __ "The project will excavate and document settlement-period dugout ruins to assess their integrity, function, and occupation date." Learn the history and archaeology of this post-Civil War settlement. - illustrated - From K. Kris Hirst/ -
Archaeological Dig near Kanorado __ A pictorial essay of this research. - illustrated - From -
Artifacts of Kansas __ A comprehensive site about Kansas archaeology including photos, law, and general information. - illustrated - From -
A Bibliography of Kansas Archaeology Projects __ Just what the title says it is. - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in Kansas __ Index of articles relating to Kansas archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
Cool Things, Coronado Sword, Kansas State Historical Society __ While not an
'archaeological' story per se, it is close enough and an interesting story to
boot. "Sometimes an artifact isn't what it seems to be. This is the story of one
such object." - illustrated - From Kansas State Historical society -
dig: Kansas Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Kansas" - From -
Dig may change beliefs on early peoples __ "Archaeological site near Kanorado
may be uncovering earliest record of campsites on the Great Plains" Read the
full story. - From Lawrence Journal-World -
Kansas Archaeology Basics __ "In the remote past, Kansas was covered by seas,
and much of its present landscape derives from the rock formations that
developed at that time. The area eventually evolved into a plains or prairie
region, with forests confined mainly to stream courses. People first came to
Kansas some 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, during the last of the Ice Age. Although
the state was not glaciated at that time, the climate was cooler and less
seasonal than today. Huge animals such as mammoth and mastodon roamed the area
until a gradual warming trend brought an end to the Ice Age, and mass
extinctions occurred around 10,000 years ago." You can pick up the story from
there and learn what archaeology has taught us about the Kansan past. - From
Kansas State Historical Society -
Kansas Archaeology Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in Kansas - From -
Kansas Archeology Training Program, Kansas State Historical Society __ "Less than one more mile west and the 2005 Kansas Archeology Training Program (KATP) field school would have been in Colorado. But by staying just east of the state line, project volunteers had a rare opportunity to work on a cluster of sites that represents one of the most important archeological finds in the High Plains and perhaps North America." Learn about research at the Kanorado site. - illustrated - From -
Kansas evidence may predate Texas discovery __ A news article "Two sites worked by Rolfe Mandel, a geoarchaeologist with the Kansas Geological Survey, and others near Kanorado and at Lovewell Reservoir in Jewell County might roll back the time by thousands of years." - From -
Kansas Preservation Plan Profile __ "The Kansas Historic Preservation Plan:
Planning For the Future: Historic Preservation is Public Policy" Learn about the
preservation plan and its impact on Kansas archaeology. - From National Park
Service -
Kansas State Historical Society __ "Follow the text link to archaeology (click "Programs and Services," then scroll down to "Preservation") for a lot of information about Kansas archaeology..." - illustrated - By Kansas State Historical Society -
KCK archaeology enthusiasts plan Kansas dig __ "Part of summer vacation for Mary Conrad, Sumner Academy librarian, will consist of supervising the wash lab at an archaeological dig in Kansas." Read a news story about a native American archaeological site on the Verdigris River in Montgomery County, Kan. - From -
Archaeological Survey - Manhattan, KS __ "Ninety-eight archaeological
sites had been formally reported and listed in the KHS
Archaeological Inventory within the Manhattan Archaeological Survey project area
prior to the initiation of this project in December 2008." A detailed look
at these sites. - A PDF file - illustrated -From -
Mine Creek Battlefield, Exhibits __ This is the only
Civil War battle site in
Kansas. The 1864, Mine Creek Battlefield site has been intensively studied
through various archaeological methods. - illustrated - From the Kansas State
Historical Society.From Kansas State Historical Society -
Professional Archaeologists of Kansas (PAK) Home Page __ Most of what you may
want to know about Kansas archaeology could be found here. You will find news,
research law, digital maps and data sources along with t\a lot more. -
illustrated - From PAK -
Quarry Creek - Excavation, Analysis and Prospect of a Kansas City Hopewell Site, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas __ You will find a brief abstract of the report and if you click on the PDF link, you will find the whole report. - From -
Re: Looking for Pre-Clovis in Kansas __ A brief paper about the topic. - From Lawrence Journal-World -
Renner Site - 23PL1 __ "The Renner Site was discovered by J. Mett Shippee and he brought it to the attention of Waldo Wedel (U. S National Museum) who excavated at the site in 1937 to document the site's pottery forms that resemble the decorated pottery styles that were often termed "Hopewell." A overview, photo gallery and bibliography. - illustrated - From -
Trowbridge __ "Trowbridge (14WY1) is an archaeological site located near
City, Kansas." You will find a basic overview and links to additional materials.
- illustrated - From Professor Michael Fuller -
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